Quote for Sunday 16 June 2024   #808

When you became a Christian, you moved from believing Error to believing Truth. That moved you from the kingdom of the world to the kingdom of God. John MacArthur

Can't decide? Try this:
Not by works of righteousness, but according to His mercy

Brandon Doll · 2018 Fridley Minnesota Gospel meetings · 2018-08-13 · 23 minutes

Our Mission

The mission of this site is to provide high-quality recordings of Biblical exposition and gospel preaching—both in terms of the subject presentation and the audio quality. Rather than trying to make the smallest file, my goal is to provide the best sound so that you can listen as if you were present and hear clear instruction in the Holy Bible. There are a small number of talks with low audio quality that are justfied by the quality of the talk itself.

The name of this site is derived from JAH (pronounced YAH), which is a shortened form of God's name (YAHWEH). It appears 46 times in the Bible, although the KJV only renders it as JAH once (Psalm 68:4) while other times this shortened form of His name is rendered as LORD — Strong's H3050 found in Exodus 15:2, Psalm 68:18, Psalm 77:11, Psalm 89:8, &c. In addition, when you see names in the Bible that end in 'jah' or 'iah', like Jeremiah, those last three letters represent the name of God. So the shortened name, JAH, is very prominent throughout Scripture!

We encourage you to always keep Acts 17:11 in mind and search the Scriptures for yourself to confirm that whatever you hear taught is true, to enhance learning and protect yourself from errant teaching or understanding.

This site and its content is designed and maintained by Angelo Babudro in Nova Scotia, Canada. Please feel free to ask me questions about the Bible or this site or offer feedback using the form on the ixo.ca web site.